Best 2 Blog Page Loading Time Checking Websites

It is most important to check blog loading time after designing your blog. Blog loading time plays most important role in improving search results positions. Soon google will start to show results in search according to loading time of the blog. So we all must check blog loading time and improve it.
Best way to reduce your blog loading time is to remove unnecessary JavaScript, heavy jquery files ,images and third party widgets which may cause problem with your blog loading time. After doing all necessary work, the question arises that how to check blog loading time. I searched a lot on Google and found these 2 great, accurate blog loading time checking websites. Take a look.

1)GTMetrix:-  GTMetrix is one of the best website to check blog loading
time instantly. This website is really reliable and used by almost
every blogger and webmaster. GTMetrix checks the loading time of
blog, analyses it, and also provides you some suggestions to make your
blog to load fast. These website shows results in out of 100. Just
check yourself.Go To

2)Pingdom:-  Pingdom is also one of the best known blog page loading
time checker tool which analyses your blog speed within seconds.
Pingdom also shows some areas of your blog which take time to load.
It also gives you detailed report on which elements are interrupting
your blog page loading time. In short i would say that Pingdom is the
best blog page loading time checking website. So guys lets check your
blog page loading time and comment below.
